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Join the PPN

Membership Criteria

To become a member of Wexford Public Participation Network a group must meet the following criteria:

  1. Groups are not-for-profit and operate within the community, voluntary and environmental sectors.
  2. Have more than three (3) members.
  3. Have an appropriate governance structure e.g., a written constitution, operating rules and procedures.
  4. Be a minimum of 6 months in existence.
  5. Be open to new members.
  6. Have a formal structure e.g., Chairperson, Secretary or equivalent.
  7. Be active and have a postal address in County Wexford.
  8. Be broadly representative and accountable.
  9. Hold an Annual General Meeting and have regular meetings.
  10. Be non-party political, not a business, anti-sectarian and non-discriminatory.
  11. Be independent, with a committee or board (not a substructure or subcommittee).
  12. Are volunteer led [organisations can have paid staff but must be under voluntary control].
  13. Be able to establish their bona fides as a community or voluntary organisation and provide documentation if requested to do so.
  14. Because of the separation of the functions of Public Representatives and the PPN, Councillors, TDs, MEPs, and elected officials should not be the contact point for member organisations.
  15. Renew their membership every 2 years.
  16. Ensure to notify the PPN Office of any changes in details of the primary contact person for group.
  17. Groups that are members of Wexford PPN appoint a delegate to endeavour to attend all PPN meetings, to foster the participation and engagement necessary to fully carry out the spirit, ethos, and goals of our strategic plan to inform, represent and develop our communities.

Should your organisation not meet all of the membership criteria, Wexford PPN would be happy to discuss if, how, and when this would be possible, so please do not hesitate to get in touch.

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